If your overall score is 90% or above, congratulations, amazing, you are on track to creating a wedding that is truly authentic to you!
Anything around 60% or less means there’s quite a bit of room for improvement. But not to worry, we have a simple expert developed roadmap for you to follow to clearly define the wedding you truly desire and what you need to do to make it happen.
​​Your 3 Step Action Plan
The Engaged Essentials Method
Define Your Authentic Wedding
Clarity | Vision
First you need clarity, to become aware, understand what matters to you most, and then from that place of awareness you can define the vision for the wedding you truly desire.
Create Your Authentic Wedding
Prepare | Personalize | Process
Prepare for all the decision making and tasks, set yourself up for success. Next discover and add in your personal details, and then have a clear process to follow to create your authentic wedding.
Achieve Authenticity
Align | Execute
You need to pull everything together. First, alignment through honest refinement and finally, organized execution. Now you get to experience the joy and fulfillment of the authentic wedding you have created.